Scotland must deploy a strategic and integrated policy approach to achieve net zero targets in aviation, an academic report said, commissioned by Edinburgh Airport. It added that ""connectivity facilitated through aviation is critical for the Scottish economy and that reducing flights would cause immense damage to most industries.""
The ""Flying High: Up in the Air"" report, which interviewed over 70 business and policy leaders in Edinburgh as well as Australia and Canada, argued that greater connectivity strategies would attract investment in the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). It found that Scotland was falling behind on wider connectivity and infrastructure strategies employed by cities like Sydney and Toronto.
""But there is opportunity for Scotland to make smart policy and investment decisions and become a leader in the development and export of sustainable aviation technology,"" said the report author and professor of urban economics at the University of Glasgow Duncan MacLennan. “While there are some key industries that are particularly dependent on the connectivity that only aviation can bring to Scotland, when you look at the wider economic modelling connectivity underpins most of our entire economy.""
He added: ""We need to be honest about the role aviation pays and get serious about leading the way on net zero – moving beyond rhetoric into integrated, bold and strategic action.""
The full report can be found here.