Magnetic Engines has recently expanded its engine shop in Tallinn, Estonia to meet the increase in demand for engine repairs.
Alexey Ivanov, Executive Sales Director at Magnetic Engines, said: “This is welcome news for our customers too as we had experienced a surge in demand for a while now, thus able to serve more customers and offer increased flexibility. A bigger facility also gives us much more freedom to perform so-called lego projects when we assemble 1 serviceable engine from the serviceable modules of 2-3 unserviceable / run-out engines. Such concept was popular for years on CFM56-3 and now gains the popularity on CFM56-7b / -5B engines.”
Magnetic claims that the expanded space is over 100 square meters with dedicated office space as well as premises for both engine and engine components storage and maintenance, with a capacity to repair five engines in parallel and a storage capacity of 10 engines.