Middle East/Africa

Boeing’s Middle East deliveries on the rise

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Boeing’s Middle East deliveries on the rise

Boeing has revealed it is expecting to deliver more commercial aircraft to the Middle East in 2014 compared to last year, and that its major customers in the region are in the UAE.

Boeing delivered 45 aircraft to the region in 2013, while this year it has delivered 24 aircraft during the first seven months.

Marty Bentrott, Boeing vice-president for Sales — Middle East, Russia, Central Asia, said: “We’re very pleased with our progress and are on track for deliveries in 2014.  We do not disclose future delivery schedules.”

Middle Eastern carriers had ordered a total of 1,120 aircraft up to the end of July 2014, and there is a backlog of 544 aircraft attributable to the region with most of the orders coming from Emirates, Etihad Airways and Flydubai.