Aer Lingus, including Aer Lingus Regional, carried 962,000 passengers during the month of October, an increase of 0.9% compared to October 2011.
Short haul flown passengers, including Aer Lingus Regional, in October 2012 were 876,000, an increase of 0.1% on October 2011, while long haul flown passengers in October 2012 were 86,000, an increase of 10.3% on October 2011.
Aer Lingus mainline’s flown passenger load factor in October 2012 increased by 1.5 points on October 2011 to 79.2%. Short haul flown load factor was 77.4%, a decrease of 1.7 points on October 2011, with capacity decreasing by 1.3%. Long haul flown load factor was 83.0%, an increase of 8.3 points on October 2011, with capacity decreasing by 0.7% on prior year.