We understand that there are some things you cannot leave to chance and the annual get together in Dublin is one of those things. For this reason we have already made sure that the core of finance and leasing are in attendance and there are more airlines than have ever been seen in Dublin before. Our schedule will impress and inform.
What we offer:
Spend less and get more this January in Dublin – 50% Less expense, better location, more airlines, more lessors, more banks, global focus. Moreover and most importantly – No marketing personnel or sponsored speakers on stage. Our speakers do not spend their time talking on the conference circuit – they spend their time doing the deals that keep the aviation sector growing.
We have over 100 airlines in the room from the US/EU/Africa/Asia Pacific including eleven flag carriers. Delegate spaces are limited to 450 and we will be announcing additional delegate benefits including measures that will make it easier to contact people and easier to location airline staff. We are certain that we can guarantee additional value for you on your annual trip to Dublin. Indeed if you are usually put off of travelling to Dublin due to the cost of conference then we hope that we can change that for you with lower rates for ISTAT members and two for one on all full delegate rates that allow you to bring support staff at no extra cost.
Speakers from:
Jose Abramovici, CA-CIB / Eric Agote, Coface / Leo Burrell, Credit Agricole Corporate Investment Bank / Harald Brauns, NordLB / Karl Brown, AvCorp
Dr Elijah Chingosho, AFRAA / Henri Coupron, ILFC / Frederic Gagey, Air France
Tewolde Gebremariam, Ethiopian Airlines / Nicolas Govillot, DGTPE / Bertrand Grabowski, DVB Bank / Stephen Hannahs, Aviation Capital Group / Brian Jeffery, Emirates Airline / Carlos Jorge, Vueling / Patrick Kaufer, Deutsche Bank / Jeffery Knittel, CIT / Bobby Janagan, Rolls Royce & Partners Finance Ltd / Bjorn Kjos, Norwegian Air Shuttle / Mark Lapidus, Doric Asset Finance / John Leahy, Airbus
Gary Lebowitz, Wells Fargo / Gregory Lee, Goldman Sachs / Robert Martin, BOC Aviation / Masao Masuda, Development Bank of Japan Inc. / Simon McNamara, European Regional Airlines Association / Robert Morin, Ex-Im Bank / Munawar Noorani, Citi Bank / Scott Paige, Trilogy Capital / David Power, Orix Aviation / Jon Sharp, Engine Lease Finance Corp. / Mark Streeter, JP Morgan / Ron Wainshal, Aircastle / Girma Wake, Rwandair / Gordon Welsh, ECGD / Tom Woods, KPMG / Koystya Zolotusky, Boeing Capital Corporation
This conference is intended to put airlines, finance and leasing together so that business can be done without great cost. We have the very best hotel/location, the very best speakers and are already close to selling out.
We understand that you all have a choice in January 2013 and we understand that some of you need us to convince you that competition is good. Of all industries, we of all people should understand that it is. The website is now live at www.aedublin.com please do have a look.