Rolls-Royce's latest financial results show underlying group revenue rising 7% to £7.4 billion as it reports growth within all divisions.
Underlying group operating profits rose 32% to £203 million, but higher tax and interest costs pushed the group into a £24 million loss overall.
The company has said that issues surrounding the Trent 1000 compressor are taking longer than originally planned with premature blade deterioration continuing to cause Boeing 787 operators "significant disruption" said chief executive Warren East. It's said that in-service costs are set to increase by a total of £100 million across the next three years.
The group reported that its civil aerospace, organic revenue rose 11% to £4 billion, with 3% growth in original equipment (OE) and aftermarket servicing rising 18%.
In addition to the higher Trent 1000 costs, the group booked a further £59m impairment against the Trent 900 line as A380 production closes.
The Spanish ITP Aero business saw revenues rise 23% to £457 million, with operating profits falling from £40 million to £32 million.