
New EU HEROPS hydrogen propulsion programme underway

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New EU HEROPS hydrogen propulsion programme underway
A new clean aviation technology venture, HEROPS (Hydrogen-Electric Zero Emission Propulsion System) is underway, with MTU Aero Engines leading several partners to develop a hydrogen-powered electric powertrain. Building on MTU’s Flying Fuel Cell (FFC), the research initiative is seeking to develop technologies for a climate-neutral, hydrogen-electric powertrain capable of powering regional aircraft from 2035. In the next three years, the project plans to ground-test a HEROPS ground demonstrator with 1.2 megawatts of power, alongside proving the feasibility and ultimate scalability of the new technologies. HEROPS is run by the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (CAJU), the European Union’s leading research and innovation programme for ‘transforming aviation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future’. It is the successor to the two Clean Sky programmes that ran from 2008 to 2024. HEROPS industry partners include RTX’s Collins Aerospace, Lufthansa Technik and Eaton. Its research partners are the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre and the Technical University Vienna.