MTU Maintenance and Mammoth Freighters have recently signed a cooperation and support agreement designating MTU Maintenance as the preferred partner for all engine maintenance needs for Mammoth Freighters’ B777 P2F conversion program. This agreement covers scheduled and unscheduled GE90-110/115B engine maintenance, on and off-wing support, engine leasing, engine trend monitoring, and engine ground support equipment needs and requirements.
“Engine performance and fuel efficiency for our next generation 777-200LRMR and -300ERMF freighters are primary selling features of our conversion program. We are delighted to be partnering with MTU Maintenance for our GE90-110/115B needs,” says Bill Tarpley, co-CEO, Mammoth Freighters LLC. “MTU and their highly customized support strongly enhances our conversion program offering. Teaming with MTU will enable our customers to access world-class GE90-110/115B engine technical support and cost-effective solutions for both the conversion process and following the delivery of our aircraft.” Mammoth Freighters specializes in Boeing 777-200LR and -300ER passenger to freighter conversions.