Aeronautical Engineers, Inc. (AEI) has been selected by Kahala Aviation of Ireland to provide two firm B737-400SF 11 Pallet Configuration conversions, with options for two additional conversions to be started in May of 2013. The first aircraft, a B737-400, MSN 25052 was built in 1991 and will be converted at one of AEI's North American Conversion Facilities. Both 737-400SF conversions are being converted on spec and are currently available for lease.
Mark Thatcher, Chief Aircraft Trader for Kahala Aviation stated: "Our decision to convert with AEI was based upon three factors: AEI's outstanding reputation for quality and customer support, AEI's 737-400SF having the capability to carry up to 10 full height AAA containers and AEI's dominant position as the prefered 737-400SF conversion provider." He goes on to say that "these three factors will without a doubt give us an advantage when marketing our AEI 737-400SF fleet".
AEI's 737-400SF shall provide Kahala's customers with a Main Deck capable of carrying multiple ULD's including:
• (10) 88"x125" AAA Containers/pallets, P1 to P10 or
• (8) 96"x126" ULD’s and
• (1) 53"X88"X64" Pallet or AEP/AEH or 60.4"X61.5" AKE/LD3 or 61.5"X88"X56"H AYY in P11