The Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is investigating hikes in cancellation and rebooking charges by airlines. The regulatory move comes as a leading low cost carrier last week increased cancellation charges to a flat Rs 2,250 for all passengers cancelling up to 2 hours before the flight departs. Before this, passengers cancelling were charged Rs 1,900 if they cancelled tickets more than a week prior to scheduled departure. This was the fourth upward revision in a year.
Indian DGCA investigates rebooking charge increases
The Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is investigating hikes in cancellation and rebooking charges by airlines. The regulatory move comes as a leading low cost carrier last week increased cancellation charges to a flat Rs 2,250 for all passengers cancelling up to 2 hours before the flight departs. Before this, passengers cancelling were charged Rs 1,900 if they cancelled tickets more than a week prior to scheduled departure. This was the fourth upward revision in a year.