
European aviation groups agree winter slot rules 

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European aviation groups agree winter slot rules 

European airlines and airports have agreed to comply with a set of conditions through which the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule could be applied during the winter season in 2020-2021.

The ongoing COVID 19 pandemic is further depressing passenger numbers requiring an extension of the slot use rules which were suspended in Europe earlier in the year.

Aiming to simplify the European Commission’s decision, bodies that have agreed on specific conditions include:

  • Airlines for Europe (A4E)
  • Airlines International Representation in Europe (AIRE)
  • The International Air Transport Association (IATA)
  • The European Association of Slot Coordinators (EUACA)

The purpose of the settled conditions is to assure a timely return of slots which are not planned to be used during this winter season. This agreement is considered a great achievement as it has been reached during a tough time for airports and airlines.
The European Commission is now expected to formalise the slots waiver extension and explain the implementation of conditions on which the bodies have agreed.