The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has criticized the so-called “disinformation campaign” concerning the proposed changes to Flight Time Limitations (FTL) “organized throughout Europe by the European Cockpit Association (ECA).”
The ECA is has denounced EASA proposal to amend the current EU rules on flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements for commercial air transport, on the grounds that they “will allow airlines to carry out dangerous flight schedules” as “air crews can be on duty for 20-22 hours”.
To which EASA has responded: “Contrary to what this pilot association says, the maximum duty period at night is reduced to 11 hours, 22-hour duty is not an option in real-life scenarios, recovery rest is significantly increased to up to 5 days in order to compensate for the time-zone crossings effect and crew standby are limited to 16 hours. The EASA proposal takes full account of the fact that fatigue is one of the main factors affecting human performance and makes no provision for increased air crew flight hours.”
EASA concerned about flight time limitations