LATAM has priced a $287m 100% prefunded 12-year Eximbond with a coupon set at 1.829%, which is MS+67 bps (equivalent to L+34 bps). Credit Agricole and Goldman Sachs are joint structuring agent and joint book runners. This is the first 100% prefunded bond, which will fund the as yet undelivered two 777-300ER. The aircraft will be delivered on or around August 28, 2012 and September 17, 2012. This is the lowest spread since 2010.
Credit Agricole and Goldman Sachs lead the first 100% prefunded bond

LATAM has priced a $287m 100% prefunded 12-year Eximbond with a coupon set at 1.829%, which is MS+67 bps (equivalent to L+34 bps). Credit Agricole and Goldman Sachs are joint structuring agent and joint book runners. This is the first 100% prefunded bond, which will fund the as yet undelivered two 777-300ER. The aircraft will be delivered on or around August 28, 2012 and September 17, 2012. This is the lowest spread since 2010.