
CIT Aerospace receives CF6 TRUEngineTM designation

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CIT Aerospace receives CF6 TRUEngineTM designation

CIT Aerospace has been awarded TRUEngine designation for its CF6 engine fleet, which powers its 13 Airbus CF6-80E-powered A330-200 aircraft.
"With a TRUEngine designation, CIT has demonstrated its commitment to OEM quality engine maintenance," said Chuck Williams, general manager of the CF6 Program at GE Aviation. "GE Aviation is proud to award this designation to CIT, and we look forward to working with them to maintain this TRUEngine status on its CF6 engine fleet."
"Having our CF6-80E1 portfolio qualify for entry in the TRUEngine Program is a significant step in ensuring that we maintain the value and integrity of our engines," said Julian Rouchy-Kelly, Chief Technical Officer for CIT Aerospace. "This agreement further strengthens our relationship with GE Aviation and we look forward to working with them on this and other programs."
To qualify for TRUEngine status, the engine configuration, overhaul practices, spare parts and repairs used to service an engine must be consistent with GE requirements. In addition, all maintenance must comply with GE-issued engine manuals and other maintenance recommendations. The qualification data is obtained through customer submittal of maintenance records. The TRUEngine designation is available to the 4,000 CF6 engines in service if they meet the TRUEngine criteria.
Commercial jet engines typically are in service for more than 25 years and change ownership at least once in their operational life. The engine's configuration, material content, maintenance history and supportability impact marketability and overall value as it changes ownership. The CF6 TRUEngine designation enhances marketability and provides other valuable benefits, such as extended new part warranty and GE engine lease pool support.