Airways Aviation (Airways) and Dynamic Advanced Training (Dynamic) have entered a new strategic partnership to provide cabin crew and other related training services across the African Continent and MENASA regions. As a part of the deal, they offer up their knowledge, skills, experience, and world-class facilities to forge new airline partnerships and actively recruit a new generation of students into their accredited and industry applicable non-accredited courses and programs from the first quarter 2023.
Mark Kammer, Managing Director of Dynamic Advanced Training, said: “We see this strategic partnership with Airways Aviation being of great benefit to operators in Africa and the MENASA region. By drawing on the strengths of both companies, we will now be able to give prospective Cabin Crew access to world-class training infrastructure and facilitation techniques. Undoubtedly this will also lead to safer line operations. It is a win-win-win scenario.”
Romy Hawatt, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Airways Aviation ESMA Group, said: “This new collaborative partnership provides all stakeholders the opportunity to access several new and burgeoning markets in a much more long-term & streamlined manner than we would be able to accomplish singularly. We are continually on the lookout for such quality partnerships & associations that may enhance our education & training offerings to the students and industry alike in these exciting and progressive times.”
The partners will offer cabin crew training solutions to new customers with a particular focus on African Airlines and their respective Civil Aviation Authority over the coming months in a bid to help meet their future demands & requirements. Airways Aviation will deliver its EASA Cabin Crew theory classes, (based on its ESMA, France courses) to students across West Africa. Students will then be sent on to Dubai to complete the practical part of their training at the Dynamic Advanced Training facilities.