South Korean hybrid airline, Air Premia, has added two 787-9 aircraft to the component support agreement it holds with AFI KLM E&M.
In late 2020, Air Premia joined the community of AFI KLM E&M customers operating 787 aircraft, establishing a long-term partnership via a component support service package for its fleet of Boeing 787-9s (eventually set to total ten aircraft). Owing to industry delays in the delivery of these new aircraft, the South Korean airline decided to lease two 787-9s from Aergo Capital, soon to be integrated into its fleet.
As a result, AFI KLM E&M and Air Premia have extended their partnership, adjoining these two aircraft to the component support agreement concluded between the two groups.
The scope of services provided by AFI KLM E&M remains unchanged, and covers repairs, logistical support, provision of spare parts and access to the Prognos predictive maintenance tool. AFI KLM E&M was able to rapidly adjust its commercial offer in order to take into account these two mature, “remarketed” aircraft.
Pierre Teboul, SVP Commercial at AFI KLM E&M, stated: “We’re delighted to see Air Premia reiterating its confidence in our group for these two additional aircraft. This not only showcases the usefulness and expertise of AFI KLM E&M’s dedicated 787 services, but also the responsiveness of our teams and their ability to respond to our customers’ urgent and evolving needs.
T.J. Choi, Air Premia’s Director of Maintenance, added: "Air Premia is very grateful to AFI KLM E&M for demonstrating such flexibility in order to meet our needs and ensure coverage for these two additional 787-9s in their Component solutions service package. The integration of these two new aircraft is essential to the accomplishment of our airline’s vision and ambitions, particularly with regard to extending our routes internationally. We have no doubt that AFI KLM E&M will provide us with high-quality support in order to sustain our operations and our development with utmost efficiency.”