
Air China appoints Wang Mingyuan as new President

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Air China appoints Wang Mingyuan as new President

The board of directors of Air China Limited has appointed Wang Mingyuan as the president of the Company effective March 13, 2023. Mingyuan started his career in the civil aviation industry in July 1988. He was appointed as the of the Standing Committee of CPC of the Company in February 2011, and served as the vice president of the Company from February 2011 to March 2023.

Since April 2011, he has concurrently served as chairman of Air China Development Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited. He was appointed as a member of the Communist Party Group of CNAHC in April 2020, and served as the deputy general manager of CNAHC from April 2020 to January 2023. He has also served as the vice chairman of Tibet Airlines Co. since June 2020 and the chairman of Air Macau Company Limited since March 2022. He was appointed as a director, the general manager and deputy secretary of the Communist Party Group of CNAHC in January 2023, and was appointed as the deputy secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Company in February 2023. He has been serving as the president of the Company since March 2023.

The Air China Board has further proposed to appoint Mingyuan as executive director and vice chairman of the Company, subject to approval.

