After unveiling of Air India’s new look, there is a speculation that Air India Express will also have a new look and brand identity. Air India Express will take on a bold new look from October 2023, Mint quoted a source close to the airline.
“The font of Air India Express on the livery will be similar to that of the new ‘Air India Sans’ font. The tail pattern will have a variety of designs like the current Air India Express fleet. The first plane with the new branding will be launched in October, when the airline gets its first new Boeing 737 Max aircraft,” the report adds.
“The paint job for our initial Boeing 737 Max will be executed in India. Consequently, a decision will be made closer to the launch date regarding the inaugural aircraft,” another official told Mint.
In November 2022, Tata signed agreements to acquire a 100% stake in AirAsia India and merge the airline with Air India Express to form a single Indian low-cost carrier.