
A350 XWB MSN004 successfully undertakes water ingestion tests at Istres

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A350 XWB MSN004 successfully undertakes water ingestion tests at Istres

Airbus has successfully performed certification testing to demonstrate the A350 XWB’s ability to operate on wet runways. During these tests at Istres, France, the flight-test aircraft, MSN004, travelled through troughs containing at least 22mm of water depth, at a variety of speeds, starting at 60kts, and successively increasing to around 140kts.

This test validates how the aircraft would behave on a very rain-soaked runway, and verifies that neither the water under the aircraft nor the spray generated by the nose landing gear will enter the engines or APU. For the test, the “water trough” was created by applying to the runway’s surface grooves and rubber strips inserted in the grooves to retain the water. This pool measured 100m long by 29m wide. The aircraft performed several runs as planned in order to test various cases, including the use of reverse thrust. The results will be analysed by the Airbus Design Office, which will extrapolate them to predict a variety of typical operational scenarios.

The A350 XWB’s certification testing is progressing well, and is on track for certification in Q3 2014, to be followed by entry into service with Qatar Airways in Q4. The first four A350s now flying have together accumulated around 1,600 flight-test hours and over 350 flights. The flight-test fleet will be completed with the fifth aircraft, MSN005, in the coming weeks.

New aircraft management platform launched by DS Aviation and Skytech-AIC
DS Aviation, the aircraft leasing unit of German financial services company Dr. Peters Group, and UK-based aircraft lessor, marketing and management organisation Skytech-AIC have formed a new joint venture company, DS Skytech Limited, to provide technical management for the combined owned and managed aircraft portfolios of both organisations.

The new company is designed to enhance the in-house asset management service provided to the clients of DS Aviation and Skytech-AIC and will facilitate the expected expansion of the combined portfolio which currently numbers 25 aircraft and includes types ranging from Bombardier Q400s through Airbus A319s, Boeing 787s and Boeing 777s to Airbus A380s.

Both companies recognise that providing professional, comprehensive asset management is a key element in attracting additional and competitive investors into the industry and DS Skytech is designed to provide a new industry benchmark in management service quality. In addition, the combined strengths and capabilities of the two companies will ensure that DS Skytech is well positioned to generate technical management business from third party clients.

The Directors of the new company will be Anselm Gehling: CEO of Dr. Peters Group, Christian Mailly: Managing Director of DS Aviation together with Skytech-AIC’s Julian Balaam and Jeff Solomon.

“The formation of this new company with Skytech-AIC confirms our intention to continue to provide the highest possible level of service to our aviation clients in the best traditions of Dr. Peters just as we provide to our clients across all other asset classes” commented Anselm Gehling, while Christian Mailly added “First class in-house technical asset management is a vital part of the service and reassurance we provide to our institutional and KG limited-partner investors.”

Skytech-AIC’s Julian Balaam added “We are delighted to be working with DS Aviation on this exciting project and we see a huge opportunity to use the combined strengths of DS Aviation and Skytech-AIC to bring significant asset management advantages to third parties worldwide as well as to our own clients”.