The first prototype Airbus A350 XWB has successfully performed the ‘Maximum Energy Rejected Take-Off’ (MERTO) test. The A350 (MSN 001) performed the test on July 19th at Istres Air Force Base in France.
MERTO, which follows on from the previous ‘High Energy Rejected Take-Off’ (HERTO) preparation test conducted by MSN001 two months ago, is a part of the series of mandatory certification tests. MERTO involves aborting a take-off at just below Vr, then braking the aircraft to a stop using the wheel brakes alone. The test involves measuring the amount of heat energy generated by the brakes and its associated fire risk. The second part of the test involves the aircraft being left standing for five minutes after being brought to a stop, in order to assess the potential safety implications of a brake fire.
MERTO is the A350 XWB programme’s final major test before MSN005, one of two cabin-equipped development aircraft, embarks on ‘Route Proving’ in July. The programme has achieved more than 2,250 flight hours in around 540 flights to-date, and is on track for certification in Q3 and first delivery to Qatar Airways in Q4.