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Bombardier hit the nail on the head last night when their media spokesperson stated that he could not understand what all the fuss is about concerning Odyssey and their all business plans for London City Airport. The answer is that it is media interest – nobody else really cares. So to put the matter to bed, we here think that a direct service, all-business in a rapidly contracting market where there is existing competition from British Airways with a service that does not involve US immigration, is only slightly short of madness. We are also well aware that Odyssey is nothing more than a code name for a mainline carrier. So therefore without any firm evidence, we can only surmise through logic that the airline will be AirFrance operating under the CityJet brand or the like or a brand operated by Lufthansa. If it is one of these then there is some logic to the whole plan – if it is someone else such as (outside chance) Virgin Atlantic then best of luck. We shall see. That is the last you will hear of this matter on this service until there is definite confirmation of the mad hatters who plan the service. Our thanks to the readers who have pointed us in the correct direction on this.