WheelTug plc has named Scott Perkins to be its Chief Engineer. Perkins is a strong leader with over 25 years aerospace experience and an excellent history in engineering, analysis and certification of aerospace components. Perkins' accomplishments to date include establishing Messier-Dowty (USA) where he led the technical development of the Boeing 787 landing gear. His experience on numerous commercial aircraft projects will be a major benefit in the development of the WheelTug system.
Scott Perkins' existing team at Endeavor Analysis will continue to be involved with the WheelTug project. Endeavor has numerous superb engineers and managers at its disposal and are leaders in structural analysis.
Isaiah Cox, CEO of WheelTug, says: "Mr. Perkins brings more than 2 decades of landing gear experience to WheelTug and has an excellent track record of delivering on technical projects. His involvement to date has added tremendous value and we look forward to continuing down our technical development with him at the helm of that effort."
Perkins adds: "There are very few opportunities to impact the air transport industry as fundamentally as WheelTug is capable of doing. The results of this engineering effort will transform the industry and it is exciting to play a fundamental role is its development.