Virgin Atlantic has launched its inaugural service to Bengaluru, a destination described by the airline as ‘India’s start-up capital’ and India’s third most populated city. A second daily flight to Mumbai will also augment the carrier’s Indian offerings.
“There is a huge opportunity for us in India. It has a dynamic, fast-growing economy and we’re anticipating a huge growth in demand for international travel to and from the region,” highlighted Juga Jarvinen, chief commercial officer at Virgin Atlantic. By 2025, the carrier expects to reach a milestone of more than one million seats to India via London Heathrow: a 350% increase in capacity since 2019 and marking Virgin Atlantic’s largest area for growth outside the US.
Second daily Mumbai services, beginning from 27 October 2024, will be operated using the airline’s A350-1000 aircraft; taking Virgin Atlantic’s total daily services to the Indian subcontinent to five. “The airline expects a significant upturn in travel demand to and from the region,” concluded Josh Bayliss, CEO at Virgin.