Virgin Atlantic has revealed just how much UK travellers are looking forward to a Stateside visit once borders reopen to vaccinated passengers on 8 November. The new research identifies that two in five (40%) of Brits have missed being able to take a trip to the US after over 18 months of restrictions, as well the top things travellers would like to do once there.
With November just around the corner, the pent up demand is reflected in the surge in Virgin Atlantic bookings following the initial announcement on 20th September, with the airline seeing a 600% increase in bookings to the USA, before stabilising at a 30% increase and rising yet again following the confirmed date announcement on 15th October by 47% compared to the previous week.
Illustrated in the recent surge in Virgin Atlantic bookings and outlined in the survey results, New York is the most coveted destination. The city landed the most bookings of any US city following the initial reopening news and over a third (39%) of those surveyed who wish to travel to the USA choose NYC as their city of choice.
The airline’s leisure destinations have also been strong performers, with Orlando flights up 120% on the night of the announcement and over a quarter (26%) of respondents wanting to visit Walt Disney World Resort and/or Universal Studios in Orlando.
It would appear those from the US have also missed travelling across the pond, as Virgin Atlantic experienced a 70% increase in bookings from the States to the UK, following the 28th of July announcement that vaccinated US passengers entering the UK would no longer need to quarantine.
Juha Jarvinen, Chief Commercial Officer at Virgin Atlantic commented: “After 18 months of travel restrictions between the UK and USA, it’s clear from the demand in our bookings and our research that customers are more excited than ever to return Stateside to explore, relax or reconnect with loved ones. We’re so delighted that fully vaccinated UK travellers can enjoy the USA once again from Monday.”
“We are currently flying from London Heathrow to New York-JFK, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Atlanta and Boston and can’t wait to restart services to Orlando and Las Vegas, as well as our Orlando and New York services from Manchester Airport, our home in the North, on Monday 8 November.”