Based on business results of the financial statements for the first quarter of 2017, the Board of Directors of Vietjet has announced to advance the first phase dividend for 2017 at the rate of 20% in the form of cash. The shareholder list confirmation date will be within July 2017.
Also, according to the issuance plan approved at the company’s annual shareholders meeting in 2016 and based on KPMG audited capital report for the first quarter of 2017, Vietjet agreed to offer a bonus share dividend to the shareholders at the rate of 100:40 (a compliment of 40 shares per 100 shares owned). The shareholder list confirmation time will be within July 2017 following the approval of the State Securities Commission of Vietnam, the same time with the list confirmation date for cash dividend distribution.
Accordingly, Vietjet’s shareholders will receive a 20% cash dividend and 40% bonus share dividend, totaling 60%.
Earlier on 10 May, Vietjet finalized the shareholder list for cash dividend for 2016. After the 40% bonus share dividend, those shareholders who have already received shares and cash dividends of 119% for 2016 will continue to receive dividend advance for 2017.