
US aviation lobby warns government against ditching leaded fuel too quickly

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US aviation lobby warns government against ditching leaded fuel too quickly

A coalition of seven aviation "stakeholder organisations" has said it "reaffirmed its support" for lead-free aviation fuel but warned the US government against restrictions until alternative fuels can be deployed.

“The general aviation community remains committed to removing lead from aviation gasoline (avgas) by the end of 2030 – and it may be sooner,” the coalition wrote in a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“But we cannot compromise the safe and efficient operation of the fleet of aircraft, or economically destroy the United States general aviation transportation infrastructure, by prematurely removing an essential fuel that many aircraft require for safe operation," it continued, warning that “in the absence of readily-available and safe substitutes, EPA, the FAA and the general aviation community must work together to ensure safe and efficient transition to lead-free fuels".

"Ongoing development and deployment of potential safe and market-viable high-octane unleaded replacement fuels are making headway and are strongly supported by a collaborative industry-government initiative," said the National Business Aviation Association, one of the seven signatory organisations. The other were the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), Helicopter Association International (HAI), National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API).

