
Third Airbus A319 delivered to Aurora Airlines by AviaAM Leasing

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Third Airbus A319 delivered to Aurora Airlines by AviaAM Leasing

AviaAM Leasing has delivered the third A319 aircraft to a Russian regional carrier Aurora Airlines.

Prior to the delivery, the aircraft was fully refurbished and customized in accordance with new operator’s requirements. The aircraft was delivered and accepted by the carrier at Vladivostok International Airport (VVO), Russia.

In parallel with the delivery of the aforementioned Airbus A319 aircraft, Aurora re-delivered one of the two Boeing 737-500 aircraft on lease with the airline, and the aircraft was subsequently sold by AviaAM Leasing to a new customer.

Aurora Airlines is a regional Russian air carrier which was established by its parent company – Aeroflot-Russian Airlines – by amalgamating SAT Airlines and Vladivostok Avia. Currently Aurora’s fleet consists of 18 aircraft, including Airbus A319 and Boeing 737 as well as regional Bombardier Series 400 and Q200/Q300 aircraft.