Airline Economics wrapped up its final online event of 2020 on December 2 with the insightful Airline Economics Growth Frontiers London virtual conference, kindly sponsored by Carlyle Aviation Partners, KPMG, TrueNoord and Boeing.
The Covid-19 winter will not be an easy ride for anyone in the aviation industry, and the first and second quarters of 2021 will be definitive for certain airlines and other aviation companies.
A big theme coming out of all of the sessions today is the importance of working with your partners and keeping those relationships alive to ensure you both continue to generate revenue but also when the recovery comes, you are first of mind for any new deals.
In terms of new deals, the overarching message was to consider “credit, credit, credit” quality of your co-party, particularly if you need to attract banking support, of which many have a reduced appetite for further transportation debt. Until the recovery is established, and when new deals come to market, the message is to have patience and discipline to wait for those deals that make sense for your business and that of your co-party, which in aviation deals will be a long-term partner.
All of these areas and many more are addressed in today’s panel discussions. Recordings of all sessions are now online for Airline Economics subscribers at (please log into the website with your subscriber details to view).