The Tata Group has renamed AirAsia India as AIX Connect before merging it with Air India Express to form a single low-cost airline under the Air India umbrella. The Tata Group recently acquired the remaining 16.3% AirAsia India stake from Malaysia’s AirAsia Group and became the sole owner of AirAsia India.
Meanwhile the Tata Group is in the process of consolidating all its four airlines: Vistara will merge with Air India while AirAsia India will merge with Air India Express to form a low-cost carrier (LCC). The LCC merger is expected to be completed in a year. Last week, Air India, MD and CEO Campbell Wilson appointed Air India Express CEO, Aloke Singh as the head of the new low-cost carrier effective January 1, 2022.
Tata Group is going to place a mega order of 150-200 Boeing 737 Max jets for the LCC soon, along with aircraft for full-service Air India which will be a mix of both narrow and wide-body aircraft. Air India Express has a fleet of Boeing 737s. Vistara too has some ex-Jet Airways Boeing 737s, which are likely to be given to Air India Express.