Singapore Technologies Engineering (ST Engineering) posted revenue of $1.51b compared to $1.55b a year ago for the first quarter of 2015. Quarterly Profit before tax (PBT) for the Group was $150.5m, a 10% drop compared to $167.9m in the same period a year ago. Quarterly Net Profit came in comparable at $130m against the same period a year ago.
At the business sector level, the Aerospace sector posted comparable quarterly revenue and PBT of $489m and $71.4m respectively.
The Aerospace sector announced contracts worth about $298m that included a five-year Maintenance-By-the-Hour (MBH) agreement for nine 737NG aircraft, heavy maintenance contracts, aircraft interior modification of two 737 aircraft, landing gear overhaul and exchange contracts, as well as a five-year agreement with a Middle Eastern customer for a Multi-crew Pilot License programme.