Indian budget carrier SpiceJet's managing director Ajay Singh has submitted a joint bid along with Busy Bee Airways for Go First airlines (which declared bankruptcy in May 2023, citing the GTF engine issues for its issues), reported Reuters. The bid was submitted by Singh in his personal capacity, the airline said. Reuters reported that a Sky One chairman had told news channel CNBC-TV18 that their company had also submitted a bid for Go First. Under the terms of the offer, SpiceJet will be the operating partner for the airline, providing staff, services, and industry expertise. Singh said in the statement: ""Apart from coveted slots at domestic and international airports, international traffic rights, and an order for over 100 Airbus neo planes, Go First is a trusted and valued brand among flyers. I am happy to contribute to the efforts aimed at reviving this popular airline and leveraging its strengths for mutual growth and success.""