Indian airline SpiceJet has welcomed the return of its leased 787-800, registered as VT-SLM, which was seized by creditors in Dubai on 30 November 2023 following an unscheduled diversion.
The aircraft had been operating a commercial flight from Ahmedabad to Dubai International Airport when it was diverted to the nearby Al Maktoum Airport and subsequently grounded. This was necessitated by ruling from the Dubai International Finance Centre Court (DIFC), which issued a freezing order in relation to certain engines (leased from FTAI) installed on the aircraft.
In a DIFC court hearing on 7 December, the Order was discharged in favour of SpiceJet, clarified Chandran Sand, head of legal, aircraft acquisition, financing and leasing at SpiceJet. Additionally, the Judge has directed an enquiry into losses suffered by the airline as a result of the Order having been made, and the Court has further ordered to pay towards the legal costs incurred by SpiceJet.
“The aircraft was subsequently removed from DWC and flown back to India on 8 December 2023 and has been placed back into our normal operations,” confirmed Sand.
Stacy Kuperus, Chief Portfolio Officer for FTAI Aviation, was unable to comment at this time.