Skyports opened its first branch office outside its Asia-Pacific Singapore Headquarters in Japan. This move follows certain significant developments like Japanese trading conglomerate Kanematsu Corporation joining Skyports’ list of investors in the company’s Series B funding round and taking a seat on its board in March, as well as a growing portfolio of projects in Osaka and Tokyo. Most recently in September 2022, Atsushi Okada was appointed as Skyports’ Japan Country Manager.
Yun-Yuan TAY, Head of Asia-Pacific for Skyports said: “The Asia-Pacific region is an important hub for AAM, and Japan is a leading market within it. With support from our investor Kanematsu Corporation, we have significantly matured our networks and portfolio in the country in the last year with multiple projects in progress. The incorporation of our Japanese office was the next logical step in strengthening our operations in the country, enabling us to work closely with the growing ecosystem of AAM players as we approach new milestones in the country.”
Country Manager for Japan, Atsushi OKADA said, “As a global innovation powerhouse Japan will play an important role in the future of AAM the next big innovation for the transport and logistics sector. For Skyports, the focus for the next year is to progress our ongoing projects in Osaka and Tokyo through site assessments and regular engagements with the regulatory authorities as we look towards 2025 for initial deployment.”
Experts view this move by Skyports as its commitment to developing the AAM industry in close collaboration with local partners, businesses, regulators, and end-users.