The Singapore Hydrogen Cooperation Committee sees hydrogen as playing a ‘potential role in the state’s aviation decarbonisation journey,’ reports the working group, which was formed in 2022.
Since its inception, the committee has examined regional and local market demand and supply for hydrogen, the hydrogen supply chain and infrastructure requirements, and the potential considerations for establishing a hydrogen ecosystem for aviation in the city-state.
“Stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region are increasingly taking greater interest in making significant investments into hydrogen, developing new technologies and establishing supply chains,” said Sabine Klauke, chief technology officer at Airbus, which is a founding member of the working group.
Infrastructure scenarios at Singapore’s Changi Airport indicate that the aviation sector may consume up to 50 tonnes of liquid hydrogen a day from the 2040s, rising to 600 tonnes a day beyond 2050, based on future hydrogen aircraft with capacities of 100-200 passengers. A 2,000 mile nautical range would allow an aircraft to reach around 74 airports in 20 Asia-Pacific countries.