Editorial Comment

Searching for new investment?

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Searching for new investment?

Searching for new investors can be very hard work, especially explaining all the intricacies of the aviation industry before even starting your pitch. Let us do the hard work for you. We will bring the investors to you and educate them about all of the considerable benefits investing in the aviation business as well as pointing out ways to ensure they avoid any potential pitfalls.

In this age of austerity and ultra-low interest rate environment, tangible assets, with stable and predictable values, are eagerly sought after by institutional investors and now family office, pension funds and high net worth individuals.

All these investors and more will be attending the first Aerospace Investment Conference (www.aerospaceinvestmentconferences.com) in London on February 28. If you are looking for new sources of investment, you cannot afford to miss out. Contact us now to secure your place!

Discounts are available for buy-side investors, subscribers to Airline Economics magazine and multiple bookings.

An annual subscription to Airline Economics costs just £29 for EMEA/US/Canada and £42 for the rest of the world – a small price to pay for a quality magazine and a saving of £350 off the delegate price for each aerospace investment conference.

Subscribe to Airline Economics and register for any of the conferences here https://www.aviationnews-online.com/products-page/.

If you would like to enquire about subscriptions, conference discounts and/or speaking opportunities, please contact me at +44 (0) 56 0053 3620 or Victoria@aviationnews-online.com today.