Satys, based in Toulouse, has announced the acquisition of the Group SPI (Société de Peinture Industrielle) based in Malville near Saint-Nazaire (France), to strengthen its market position in the aircraft painting, sealing and surface treatment.
With over 40 years of experience in this business, SPl is very active in the aeronautics industry and has many long-standing partners such as Airbus, Airbus Atlantic, Thalès, Safran, Dassault and Daher. It had a turnover of €40 million in 2019 compared to €25 million in 2021 (due to the pandemic crisis). It employs 500 people at 13 industrial sites in France as well as in Portugal and Morocco. SPI is also present in the space, rail and naval markets.
This acquisition will significantly increase the size of Satys Aerospace: the group will have a turnover of €165 million for a full year post-Covid and will have more than 2200 employees in the world with 1300 in France. Satys will thus increase its number of sites from 32 to 45 in 13 countries.
"The integration of SPI within Satys sets the path for a new European leader. Our activities are complementary, in both know-how and geographically," points out Christophe Cador, founder and CEO of the Satys Group. "Like those in Satys, the SPI teams are highly qualified, and its management will maintain its role within Satys ensuring our shared objectives, notably on time delivery, capacity to
innovate and reduction of the environmental footprint of our industrial activities.