
Sabena Technics opens its new maintenance hangar

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Sabena Technics opens its new maintenance hangar

Sabena Technics, the French MRO company, has opened its brand new hangar based in Bordeaux (France).

Confident in its model in the face of the increase in the European fleet, Sabena technics has decided to invest 25 million euros in a 10,000 m² facility offering more capacity to its civil and military customers.

“The rapid evolution of the markets in which we operate require constant adaptation of our capabilities and know-how. Aware of these developments, we decided to invest in order to offer our European customers more availability with this new hangar capable of accommodating, as part of maintenance or modifications, a large aircraft type such as A350-1000/B777-9X or up to six A320 aircraft simultaneously,” says Philippe Rochet, CEO of Sabena technics.

To support its growth, Sabena technics is also strengthening its recruitment strategy in order to welcome more than 250 new talents each year.

“We have a common challenge for the entire aeronautical industry: to develop our human resources so as to be able to meet the needs of our customers. This is why we rely on a dynamic apprenticeship policy and count on our privileged partnerships with schools and specialized training organizations,” says Philippe Rochet.

In a context of profound organizational, societal and environmental change, the Group is innovating to meet the requirements imposed by these challenges and has already made great progress in its digital transformation for the satisfaction of its customers as well as that of its current and future employees.

“We are now proudly able to carry out a complete paperless aircraft maintenance check with all the mechanics connected through a digital interface with the customer. We believe that it is through the integration of all maintenance players on a global digital device, that the performance of our services is constantly improving,” says François Doré, SVP Innovation & Strategy.