Rex has completed the purchase of National Jet Express (NJE) regional services, an arm of Cobham Aviation Australia specialising in Fly-In-Fly-Out (FIFO) activities.
Lim Kim Hai, Executive Chairman of Rex, said: “As we now officially complete the purchase, I would like to pay tribute to the sellers, Advent International, which have prepared the sale in the most meticulous and professional way I have ever seen in my life. I also thank the NJE executives and staff who ran the business successfully over the last two years despite the turbulence caused by the pandemic and the great uncertainties the world is facing today.”
Rex is planning to overlay this financial and operational prowess on NJE’s core strengths to transform it to be Australia’s premier FIFO operator. Rex has also called out to all the resource companies in Australia to now count on a modern, comfortable, and environmentally-friendly fleet for their FIFO needs.
“In anticipation of the surge in demand for NJE’s services, we are looking to lease immediately another two De Havilland Canada Dash 8-400 NextGen (NG) aircraft to add to its fleet. We will continue to invest in new aircraft and technology to grow the business, especially in Queensland where resource companies have been facing severe issues with capacity and reliability in recent years,” Lim added.
Meanwhile, the Rex management will soon meet the NJE staff to discuss the detailed plan.