The new start-up airline in Pakistan, K2, is all set to launch commercial operations this year with Embraer E-Jets. The airline is backed by Pakistani and UAE businessmen.
The airline aims to link utilised and smaller airports of Pakistan with Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore to make travel convenient for national travellers, the airline said in a statement. K2 plans to launch its operations with two Embraer E190 aircraft to serve specific domestic destinations in the country.
The airline claims that the overall size of the E190 will cater to the goals of K2’s operations as it plans to connect smaller cities to larger one’s enhancing the connectivity within Pakistan.
The airline said the aircraft is part of a well-thought strategy to diversify and reshape passengers' travel experience and cabin experience based on the two-two seating configuration. The seats will also feature comfortable leg space, according to the carrier.
Sarah Khoso, senior manager, commercial, K2 Airways said: “The E190 is the right fit for the airline because it has the right capacity to serve the domestic market. We hope to see Embraer E190 getting popular based on its spacious cabin and comfortable seat configuration with no middle seat.”
Additionally, the airline plans to operate as a feeder carrier for the existing domestic carriers to complement their operations if needed.