Norwegian has failed to reach an agreement with its pilots unions and the strike will continue.
The airline stated that during mediation it presented an offer that will give the Scandinavian pilots job security, a job guarantee for three years, keep their salaries and have a connection with the mother company. However, the offer was not accepted.
“Norwegian apologizes to everyone concerned that the pilot strike in Norwegian continues. The mediation at the national mediator’s office was unsuccessful after many hours of negotiations on Friday and Saturday morning. Norwegian has a strong wish to end the strike; the company has therefore stretched as far as possible in order to end the strike and create amity within the company. Norwegian has presented assurances to NPU on key points, including a guarantee and job security, as well as a connection to the company,” the airline said.
The airline says that it has offer the following:
- A guarantee of employment for three years for all pilots in Scandinavia (i.e. a guarantee against downsizing in the pilot companies)
- Group seniority for all B737 pilots (short haul)
- Solid career opportunities, also on the long-haul flights (B787)
- Unchanged salaries (average salary for a captain, approx. 1.1 million NOK per year before insurance and pensions, first officers approx. 740,000 NOK per year before insurance and pensions)
- A minimum of 184 days off per year (almost the same as today)
- Pension: The highest rate on contributory pension (innskuddspensjon), including benefit pension scheme (ytelsespensjon) for those who have ten years or less left until retirement
- A Loss of License insurance of 40G; a tax-free payment of approximately 3.5 million NOK
- Joint negotiation for the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish pilots
Nevertheless, the two sides could not change their positions, the mediator said, adding that “intermediate solutions were not acceptable”.
Norwegian states that nearly 25,000 passengers will be affected by the pilot strike in Norwegian Air Norway (NAN) today. Almost all domestic flights in Norway and Sweden will be cancelled due to the strike, while a few domestic routes in Denmark will be operated. Most flights between the Scandinavian capitals will also be cancelled. Long-haul flights to the US and Thailand will not be affected by the pilot strike.