Sentient Signature has launched as a new global air charter brokerage. The service started as an added-value service to the existing client base of Sentient International, a privately owned group of independent corporate and trust service providers, which quickly developed into a full business concept and the establishment of the new company.
Sentient Signature provides domestic and international air charter and concierge services to an international client base.
Joshua Risker, Sentient Signature’s Director of Operations, said: “Since the pandemic began, there has been a significant increase in the demand for private air charter. As ever-changing travel restrictions continue to disrupt scheduled airline operations, many travellers have had to consider chartering an aircraft instead.
“Consequently, the rapid growth of the air charter industry provided an opportunity for us to further expand our service offering, resulting in the decision to establish an independent air charter brokerage business.”
Fellow Director, Steve Hague, added: “Time is becoming ever more valuable. This has also made chartering an aircraft both a practical and convenient way to travel. Whether for business or pleasure, we have found that many of our corporate and private clients actually prefer the on-demand charter model as it affords them with a personal solution that both meets their requirements and fits their itinerary.”