
MTU Maintenance Zhuhai completes 4000th shop visit

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MTU Maintenance Zhuhai completes 4000th shop visit

MTU Maintenance completed its 4000th shop visit at its Zhuhai location with the redelivery of LEAP-1A engine to Peach Aviation Ltd.

Congratulating MTU Maintenance Zhuhai for the milestone achievement of 4,000 completed shop visits, Tomotaka Mikuni, executive vice president, engineering and maintenance, Peach Aviation said: “MTU Maintenance works together with us to come up with highly customized and tailored maintenance support for Peach.”

Gert Wagner, president and chief executive at MTU Maintenance Zhuhai, commented: “I am proud of the location’s progress over the years and that it was able to cut down the intervals between 1,000 additional shop visits by a year each time. Driven by China’s rapidly growing market demand and MTU’s success in attracting customers from all over the world, it took the MRO facility less than three years to get from 3,000 to 4,000 shop visits, despite the pandemic. In comparison, reaching the previous mark took four years.”

“This steady acceleration from one milestone to the next shows how our drive to continually grow the business pays off,” Wagner said, adding that the engine induction volume in Zhuhai is well ahead of pre-Covid levels. “It acts as a great motivating factor to the team here in China to reach the maximum capacity of 450 shop visits this year and I want to thank our employees for driving us forward.”