MTU Aero Engines has entrusted Lars Wagner, Chief Operating Officer of MTU Aero Engines, with the role of Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) in addition to his current responsibilities. Wagner is already responsible for sustainability issues such as climate protection in development and production or supplier management. MTU has now bundled the responsibilities for other aspects of corporate responsibility management (CR management) and anchored them at the board level.
“Emission-free flying – this is the vision that drives us. It is a long-term goal in line with the Paris Climate Agreement,” says Wagner. “But the field of sustainability is so broad that topics can no longer be considered in isolation. That’s why I’m looking forward to shaping our comprehensive sustainability agenda even more as CSO and becoming involved as a driving force for various initiatives – even beyond technological issues.”
The newly established CSO will work closely with the Supervisory Board and the other members of the Board of Management in order to drive MTU forward with a view to achieving its sustainable business goals.
“In terms of climate protection, this means developing ideas and innovations that make the difference. This includes alternative fuels, revolutionary engine solutions, and the flying fuel cell. We want to give them the necessary push now in order to be able to make them available in time. Climate change will not tolerate any delay,” says Wagner. MTU is also pursuing an ambitious plan for CO2 neutral site operations with the ecoRoadmap.