Alongside the recent announcement that APOC is trebling the size of its European facility to meet the expansion of its narrowbody inventory and consignment programme, APOC has just opened a new stock hub in Miami. This is the second part of its on-going strategic plan to expand its global footprint, and it follows the launch of its Singapore base last November.
Karim Grinate, Vice President - Operations at APOC, confirms that its comprehensive stock of modern A320 family and 737NG components will provide local markets with faster access to their growing spares inventory. “The US is a key market for APOC and because domestic and international operators’ have emerged swiftly from the air traffic problems caused by COVID, we see demand increasing at a faster rate than other global sectors. We can offer the most desirable units and manage logistics with overnight truck deliveries. This avoids expensive airfreight, and possible complications at customs. Having the Miami base means APOC can offer a better service. Importantly however, Miami is the traditional gateway for the Caribbean, LATAM and South America, so we can reach those customers more effectively too.”
APOC states that it will be looking closely at developments in Miami and strengthening its sales team. “Additional warehouses will be considered as part of our initiative in North America,” adds Grinate. “But for now, our focus is on Miami. Our stock is ready to go in SV/RP/OH and MOD conditions.”