
Lockheed Martin signs purchase agreements with Airbus for two full flight simulators

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Lockheed Martin signs purchase agreements with Airbus for two full flight simulators

Lockheed Martin Commercial Flight Training (NYSE:LMT) and Airbus have signed a frame contract enabling Airbus to expedite procurement of flight simulation devices for their customers, Airbus training centers and their affiliates worldwide.

The frame contract emphasizes the shared intent to partner on future training programs, and combines Airbus’ and Lockheed Martin Commercial Flight Training’s (LMCFT) expertise in the flight simulation industry. As a first example of this process, Airbus Mexico Training Centre has ordered two LMCFT A320 full flight simulators for their operations in Mexico City and Monterrey to be delivered in late 2015 and early 2016.

“With this frame contract in place, we look forward to a long and productive partnership with Airbus in support of flight training needs around the world,” said Sandy Samuel, vice president and general manager of LMCFT. “Our team is focused on delivering quality simulation devices with the fidelity and reliability needed to maximize pilot throughput in Airbus’ Mexico City and Monterrey training centers.”