Malindo Air’s chief executive officer Chandran Rama Muthy said the airline is aiming to fly three million passengers in 2014. Chandran said although the airline is hardly a year old, it has generated great confidence in its first 260 days in operation with 800,000 passengers. He estimates 150,000 will fly Malindo Air in December alone. He said the airline is expecting delivery of seven ATRs and eight Boeing aircraft in 2014. With the turboprops adding frequencies to some key domestic routes such as Penang, Kota Baru and Johor Baru.
As stated in Airline Economics Issue 15: Malindo has applied to fly to Singapore. If the approval is granted a new Singapore / Subang airport route will become a key offering allowing the shift to an international focus to ramp-up during 2014 as rationalization and load factors are focused upon. Chin remains the real goal for the airline after the recent Indian focus and creating a transit hub in Malaysia is looking like s strong reality which makes this one of the key airlines to watch during 2014.