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Leasing industry body and KPMG push case for Ireland to develop SAF production

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Leasing industry body and KPMG push case for Ireland to develop SAF production

Aircraft Leasing Ireland (ALI) and KPMG have published a report they said explains how the aviation industry and the Irish government can "accelerate" the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the country.

According to KMPG and ALI, an industry body and part of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (Ibec), a household-name lobby group, the report "outlines the actions that the aircraft leasing sector, through ALI and the support of the government, can take including establishing a framework for SAF production, partnering with universities to fund SAF research and development, and supporting the creation of a sustainability accreditation register".

Ireland, which imports around 70% of its energy needs, has been an aircraft leasing hub for around three decades, with many of the world's biggest lessors headquartered in and around Dublin Airport.

“The aviation industry is targeting net zero emissions by 2050. While technologies such as electric flight and hydrogen power are being developed, SAF is the most promising solution that the aviation sector has in the decarbonisation of our skies as it is not only available near-term, but it is also scaleable," said Marie-Louise Kelly, ALI chairwoman.

"As a country, Ireland is well positioned to support the development and production of SAF as we have significant sources of key items required, namely renewable electricity, and agricultural and forestry residues, not to mention the intellectual capital actively involved in this sector,”  said Shane Kelly, a KPMG director.