Abdullah Al Rabeeah, supervisor general of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), has called on the international community to establish a ""Global Aid Aviation Council"".
""The Global Aid Aviation Council would facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid in three ways: by ensuring uninhibited access to airports, flightpaths, and refuelling facilities for aircraft delivering aid; by removing all duties and tariffs on aircraft transporting aid; and by streamlining the coordination of aid delivery,"" read a statement.
""The removal of duties would reduce costs, helping to bridge the humanitarian funding gap.
""Bringing together the aviation community, humanitarian agencies and governments, the new body would facilitate and protect humanitarian aid delivered across air routes.""
Al Rabeeah emphasized the vital role of civil aviation in delivering humanitarian aid during both man-made conflicts and natural disasters: ""Civil aviation is crucial for the swift transportation of humanitarian personnel and the delivery of emergency supplies such as food, water, medical supplies, and shelter materials. An international community-backed Global Aid Aviation Council would facilitate the delivery of such aid, saving lives and helping those in need"".
KSrelief calls for international ""Global Aid Aviation Council""