KLM’s €3.4 billion in loan and government guarantees remains in doubt at this time since the amount was conditional on all KLM employees making a labour contribution during the term of the loan (expected until 2025), which included securing collective labour agreement with all of the airline’s unions. However, although five trade unions CNV, De Unie, NVLT, VNC and VKP, have signed this clause, FNV (Cabin and Ground) is still considering the matter and the pilots' union VNV has refused to sign this clause. The situation was communicated to the government and the funds remain frozen.
KLM President & CEO Pieter Elbers expressed his frustration with the situation and warned that without the loan, “KLM will not get through this difficult time”. Elbers confirmed that the airline is awaiting internal deliberations at FNV, and called upon the union again to “take this final step and to fulfil its commitment by signing this clause”, which he says is in the interest of all employees and the future of the company.
“I have only one goal in mind and that is for KLM to survive this crisis. This will only succeed if we all keep the general interest in mind and are prepared to make a contribution that goes beyond our own position,” said Elbers.