
JP Lease deal

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JP Lease deal

JP Lease Products & Services has successfully closed the acquisition of two Airbus A320 aircraft on lease to Aer Lingus on June 28, and one Airbus A320 and one Airbus A321-200 both on lease to Dragonair on June 29. The four aircraft were acquired from AerCap Ireland Limited.

The deal was arranged, structured and will be managed by Arena Aviation Capital B.V. who also arranged and structured the debt financing provided by Credit Industriel et Commercial for the two Aer Lingus aircraft, and by DVB Bank SE Singapore Branch for the two Dragonair aircraft.

“These deals are important next steps in our relationship with JP Lease, and our development as a full-service aircraft investment manager. We are very pleased with adding such high profile airlines like Aer Lingus and Dragonair to our lease management portfolio, and also with the successful first debt financing transaction and relationship with CIC”, says Patrick den Elzen, Arena Managing Director.

“Arena is proud to announce the expansion of its lease portfolio with the closing of four additional aircraft for JP Lease, demonstrating the continued success and expertise of our company being able to execute these type of transactions for our valued customers. We look forward to continuing and expanding our close cooperation with JP Lease”, added Diederik Lindhout, Arena Leasing & Operations Director.

"I would like to thank the Arena Aviation Capital team for putting together these transactions for us. We have a significant demand for mid-life and older aircraft that are suitable for JOL products, and we are pleased to note that our relationship with Arena is a productive one in that respect. We look forward to develop more business together ", concluded JP Lease President and CEO Mr. Teiji Ishikawa.